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WEM 1/350 Arleigh Burke Class (PE 35050).
Contains 5-bar main deck and 5-bar close-stanchioned railings, standard 3-bar railings, 2-bar upperworks railings, 5-bar foc's'le railings (fitted), mast upper platform and yardarm assemblies, RHIB boarding frames, fittings and cradles, two types of topmast pole dipoles, stock vertical ladders, fantail inclined ladders, topmast gaffs, amidships inclined ladders and landings, hose reels, cable reels, Mk 99/SPG 62 radar antenna stays, wind vanes, mast mid platform & lower yard assembly, UNREP post assembly, watertight doors and interiors, mast lower platform assembly, 3-bar and 5-bar railing corner assistants, twin .50-cal. machine gun mountings, stern FD safety nets (raised and lowered), centre stern infill net and topmast platform surround antennas.