About Us At White Ensign Models we try to ensure all our customers are happy with our service.
If you have any suggestions or comments please email us at whiteensignmodels@aol.com
Making A Purchase Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our catalogue, click on any items that you wish to buy and put them into the shopping cart. After you have finished your selection, click on "Checkout" and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to satisfy the order. You should receive e-mail confirmation of your order, but for one reason or another this sometimes fail to reach the customer. Don't worry if you receive no confirmation, it's a pretty safe bet the order has reached us, so no need to order again. Please note though that the fact that an item is shown in the online catalogue does not necessarily mean it is in stock. If you wish to check availability before ordering, please just call or e-mail us.If you are shopping from North America or anywhere else, place your order and your credit card company will convert the transaction to US Dollars or your own currency. For guidance, £1.00 is equivalent to around $1.60 U.S., although this rate does of course vary.
Credit Card Security You will be sent a payment link to pay via the Paypal website, so you can pay using your credit card protected by Paypal's security measures. White Ensign Models will not have access to your card details.
Guarantee and Returns Policy We guarantee your satisfaction. Any item can be returned WITHIN 30 DAYS for a full refund if it is defective, or is returned to us for exchange or efund in the condition you reeceived it.. no exceptions. In the latter case, you will have to cover your own shipping costs. We suggest that you make sure that you are insured for returned packages.
Reaching Us If you need to reach us, please email us at whiteensignmodels@aol.com or write to us at : White Ensign Models, 8532 Lamar Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 USA
Remittance Terms White Ensign Models only despatch orders after payment is received.